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Blogs 12 Jul 2024

Best Practices For A Successful Paid Search Campaign: Four and More!

Dart Digital Agency
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Best Practices For A Successful Paid Search Campaign: Four and More!

At this point in time, we are all aware of what paid search actually means. It is indeed a great way to increase quality traffic to your website, gather and convert leads into customers, and increase the overall sales of your business to further achieve a positive return on investment. However, to accomplish this, businesses are subjected to follow certain tips and tricks so that they can achieve the desired results. This is precisely what we are here to discuss. 

Through the medium of this blog, we will put in front of you certain tips that you can consider while running a PPC ad campaign for optimum results. 

Paid Search Campaigns: Do they hold any importance?

People know what paid advertisement means. They are very well versed in this concept. However, the common question that pops on top of their minds is related to benefits and results. They wonder how PPC is different from other ways of advertisement and what importance it holds. Well, the answer to this question is mentioned below. 

1.) You can reach your target audience at the time they need you the most.

The most common assumption is that anyone who is searching for a particular thing and clicks on your ad is basically planning to purchase it. (This case holds true in terms of products as well as services.) Hence, when your ad appears in front of the user, there is a 99 percent chance that they will purchase that thing. Hence, with paid advertisement, you are presenting your products and services in front of your potential customers when they actually need them. 

2.) The remote control of your budget and campaigns is entirely in your hands.

This is one of the main differences between paid advertisement and organic targeting. The decision making power lies within you when you indulge in paid search campaigns. From deciding target keywords and audience to finalizing the overall budget, you can control anything and everything. In addition, you will receive regular reports regarding the performance of your ad campaign. Hence, depending upon the suitability, you can make the required changes in all the aspects. In other words, PPC ads facilitate result driven decisions and outcomes. 

3.) It is the best companion for your organic efforts.

Search engine optimization and other organic digital marketing tactics can take a lot of time to reflect desirable results. Traffic acquired through organic search is undoubtedly relevant, but you cannot be sure whether you will start seeing traffic and conversions in weeks, months, years, or even decades. However, the case is reversed when PPC marketing services enter the play. Instead, paid advertisements and organic search are buddies. They go hand in hand. In addition, they both, when employed together, can do wonders in attracting good quality traffic, driving leads and conversions, and improving the overall ROI. 

Four simple yet effective paid search practices for a successful ad campaign 

Cannibalization: This needs to be avoided!

Cannibalization, in general, indicates the decrease in the demand for a particular product due to the introduction of a new and similar product by the company. However, in the context of digital marketing, the term cannibalization can be defined as a situation when your paid and organic listing consists of the exact keywords. In this case, instead of competing with other ones, your listing will start competing with each other. This will adversely affect your visibility as well as your overall budget. 

Now, the question that arises in this situation is, why would you pay for clicks that you could get completely free of cost? Simply avoiding cannibalization is the answer to this question. And wait, there are ways to accomplish this as well. Read out the following steps to learn how to avoid cannibalization while running PPC Ads. 

1.) Keep the organic part aside and firstly determine the keywords that you wish to target in your paid search campaign. To find them out, you can utilize tools like Google Ads, Search Console, Analytics, etc. 

2.) Now, check whether these determined keywords are a part of your organic search campaign or not. In case you find any matching keyword, you further have two options. 

  • Option a: Either adjust or pause your ad campaign for specifically those keywords that belong to your paid search campaign but have the potential to rank high organically. This is a smart and simple way to achieve increased visibility while saving your costs as well.
  • Option b: You can create two separate landing pages. One for your organic traffic and one for your paid traffic. Doing this will offer you a lot of help. You will be free to create personalized and custom content according to the requirements of your viewers. As a result, neither Google nor your users will get confused. In addition, creating different landing pages is a great way to individually measure the performance of your paid as well as organic search campaigns. 

Targeted Keywords: Well, they need to be re-evaluated!

We are not talking about you, but there are various businesses that collect and finalize their keywords for once and never touch them again. Well, that's no less than a blunder! It is one of the biggest mistakes that can severely affect the performance of your PPC ad campaign. 

The reason behind saying this is that the performance of any particular keyword is never constant. Instead, it keeps on changing as it depends on various factors. These include points such as customers' behavior and preferences, changes in market trends, actions taken by your competitors, search intent, etc. And clearly, any business that does not pay attention to all these factors while deciding keywords and running ads will miss out on visibility, traffic, leads, and sales as well. 

To avoid all this from happening, it is necessary for brands to re-evaluate their focus keywords on a regular basis. This can be accomplished by utilizing some basic yet effective tools. 

Negative Keywords: These can be leveraged for an effective PPC campaign!

Negative keywords, as the name suggests, are the exact opposite of targeted keywords. In simple words, they are terms on which you don't want your website/ad campaign to rank. 

In relation to PPC ad campaigns, negative keywords can be defined as keywords that prevent your ad from showing up in front of people who are particularly searching for that term.

For example, in case you are selling designer expensive shoes, you will not want your ad camping to appear on the top position in front of a user who is searching for cheap designer shoes or just normal or casual shoes. In this case, you can add cheap/normal/casual/formal shoes as a negative keyword(s). 

Wait! We have another suitable example for further clarity. Let us suppose that you run a coaching center for class 11th and 12th, but only for commerce streams. In this case, students below class 11th and students from a different stream (apart from commerce) are not your target audience. You will have to incur additional and irrelevant cost if they click on your ad. 

Hence, you can leverage negative keywords in order to exclude your ad campaign from ranking for certain search terms.

Is there any benefit of specifying negative keywords in a PPC ad campaign? 

Negative keywords directly signify searches that are not relevant to your product/service. Hence, in case anyone who is searching for that particular term, clicks your ad, your money will be spent on a click that will never get converted as it is not relevant to you. 

Clearly, no one will find this acceptable. Hence, you can maintain the relevancy of your leads and save yourself from incurring additional expenses by simply leveraging negative keywords in your paid ad campaign. 

In addition, to find out negative and irrelevant keywords, you can utilize some free or paid tools. Studying and analyzing the previous search reports is also an option. 

Exciting Ad Copies: These can attract and retain your viewers!

Let us suppose that you have a list of high-performing keywords, know who your target audience is, have added negative keywords to your ad campaign, and have allocated a considerable budget. Due to all these things, your ad campaign was appearing in the first position whenever someone searched for the keywords you were targeting. However, the PPC campaign was still not getting any impressions/clicks and desirable leads. 

What could be the reason behind this happening? 

Well, your ad copy might be a potential reason! This is simply because it is indeed the first and primary thing that people notice when they come across your ad campaign. Hence, if you wish to receive quality clicks and impressions, it is essential for you to create compelling ad copies to attract your users that encourage them to click on your ad. Mentioned below are some basic tips that you can consider to accomplish the same. 

  • Insert your focus keyword in the URL and the first line (headline) of your ad copy.
  • Make sure you add specific and clear calls to action in your PPC ad campaign. For example, if you are selling a product, prefer adding buy now instead of visit now.
  • Write a solid and attractive punch line targeting the actual needs of your customer.
  • Keep the information short, crisp, precise, and to the point.
  • Avoid adding extra and additional information to your ad content. Instead, accomplish this by utilizing ad extensions. 

Winding up!

This was our blog, where we discussed four basic yet very effective tips that will help you achieve successful paid search campaigns. With limited time and budget, you will drive more traffic, leads, and sales, which will further result in increased ROI. All these tips will ensure that you stay one step ahead of your competitors and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Please make the most of these tips, and feel free to hire the best PPC company in Noida for the best results.

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